Monday, May 30, 2011

Wine of the Week: Get to the Root of It

     Root:1 [The Original Ungrafted] wines hail from two locations in Chile. Red varieties are grown in the warmer inland Colchagua Valley while the whites enjoy the cool, coastal Casablanca Valley. Thanks to Chile's unique geographic and climatic forces, all of the grapes at the Root:1 vineyards are grown on original European rootstock; bragging rights to which very few vineyards can still lay claim. Throughout most of the grape growing world, growers are forced to graft a desired grapevine onto a generic, matured, living root structure that is resistant to Phylloxera (a tiny flying insect that feeds on the nutritious sap of European grape vines and which, in the late 19th century, devastated European rootstock resulting in mass fungal infections and the total destruction of the root systems). Without grafting, many vineyards face too high a risk that the rootstock will be infected. Root:1, however, undergoes no such grafting; it’s the original, real deal, and you can taste it's earthy, unmodified, deliciousness from the very first sip.

     Root:1 offers a Carmenere, Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc, and a Chardonnay. Today's feature is the Cabernet Sauvignon, a rich, medium-bodied wine that offers a subtle cherry sweetness from the first pour, and finishes clean, dry, and earthy. When paired with pastas and lightly spiced entrees, it releases a mellow coffee and cocoa sweetness. Serving the Cabernet slightly chilled will get to the root of its peak sweet cherry flavor, and pairing this wine with a more robust meat, such as pork, or a pasta dish with red sauce, will emphasize its lively mocha melody. This wine is an ideal choice to share on a cool spring night with a loved one, perhaps when the temperature dips and there is a chance of thunderstorms.

     Root:1 Cabernet Sauvignon retails for $10.99, a great selection without breaking the bank. For more information on Root:1 wines and history visit their website.

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